Beer Boobs and Boost
A group of car-obsessed friends get together, talk shop, talk shit, and most importantly, drink a whole lot of beer. We dive into drama within the car scene, talk about or shit boxes, and embarrass ourselves in ridiculous games that really never have a clear winner.
Podcasting since 2021 • 7 episodes
Beer Boobs and Boost
Latest Episodes
Not a single soul has a reliable running car nowadays, especially us! We prank call Nick's pissed-off dad and threaten to repo his car, meanwhile our guest Brian sets himself to get his ass dragged.
Broken Oil Pans and Piston Cups
Pooks admits bad driving ruined one of her relationships and Emily dishes out a noob mistake when learning to drive stick. Oh yeah and we piss off our guest and finally, break her till she refuses to answer questions.

Fast Cars and Frito Lay Feet
Pop a beer open and listen as we dive into the mind of a car enthusiast Youtuber. Pooks and Emily get salty about a local car group chat and we dissect what your car air freshener says about you.